Website Development

Summer Experience

Summer Experience

Completed in mid 2018.

A working holiday company called Summer Experience, who i had worked with previously reached out to me for their new website. They needed a modern site, with a login & payment system for their workers to use.

Making the site appealing for new workers was one priority, with the upbeat, party style requested - but also making a secure registration, and login system was another. To achieve the login I used Python for a Flask server, SQLite for the database as well as HTML, CSS & JavaScript.

I had the assistance of a classmate, who i hired temporarily for the job - leading us to complete to project in an Agile fashion.

Sadly, the client was not able to match the originally intended budget for the project, and it didn't make it online for usage.



The informative, and user friendly home page for the website.


The sign up, using HTML & CSS for the structure and style, with JavaScript for the validation of the form.


A simple login form, using similar design to the signup page to hold consistency.

Source:  Unavailable

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