Website Development

Cornwall Roofing

Cornwall Roofing LTD

Completed in early 2018.

A local roofing company based in Falmouth, Cornwall approached me to create their new site. They wanted an informative & modern site, similar to websites i had created before.

I consulted the client from start to finish, always keeping customer service in mind and getting the job as best as possible for them. Once a design had been settled on, and enough information had been acquired, i was able to quickly get the site completed to the level they were very happy with.

Keeping the company color scheme in mind was key, but also making sure the information was well written for SEO & user engagement was also a priority. The end result boasts a contact form which is still regularly used, as well as a newly implemented projects page to showcase some of their jobs.



The home page - using HTML, CSS, JavaScript & PHP for its structure, style & email capabilities.


The projects page, with an array of three selected projects to showcase.

Source:  Cornwall Roofing LTD - Since been changed

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